About Us
December 2, 2019 2023-01-19 8:20About Us
About us
The School of the Universe offers an alternative educational path for children and adults supporting the development of wise, curious and intuitive children through a whole new way of learning, unlocking the potentials within children and adults.
More and more parents are becoming dissatisfied with the current educational system and seek new alternatives for the education of their children. There is an increase in empathic and intuitive children, who came into this world in order to become the future leaders and innovators who will lead the way to humanity’s rise in consciousness. We're still navigating through events that have had a huge psychological impact on our children, which calls for a new paradigm of conscious parenting and education.
With the development of human intelligence, more and more people today have realized that life has higher meaning than just material pleasures. Once people have fulfilled their basic survival needs, They began to respond to the inner call from the ‘higher mind’ trying to understand the true meaning of life, exploring and embarking on a journey of exploration of oneself.
Humans have an enormous potential. The "superpowers" described by ordinary people, such as the ability to see through blindfolds (Blindfold Reading), or finger literacy and telepathy (Telepathy), are actually innate to all of us and even more powerful than artificial intelligence. With the rapid development of science and technology, there is a lot of misinformation. How to distinguish reliable information, as well as how to absorb it effectively are the key.
Because human beings are usually too focused on the material world, and traditional education tends to develop the logical analysis of the left brain only, the right brain’s innate potential for sensory intuition and energy has not been developed for a long time. Fortunately, it is possible to regain this ability through proper training, by enhancing the innate potential, raising the level of consciousness, and by re-engaging with the world from multiple perspectives.